Please note that because we purchase special order items specifically to service your account, once your order is finalized, these special order products cannot be changed, canceled, or refused without the full price being charged to your account.
Add 1 or more items to the cart.
Must be an exact match on Product Id, Number(s) or Code.
Single items
format: {item} or {item}:{qty}
to add 1: 123-XX or 123-XX:1
to add 2: 123-XX:2
Multiple items
format: {item}:{qty},{item}:{qty}
ex: 123-XX:100,456-XX:200
1. Download the order import template below
2. Open the template in Excel or any other spreadsheet software
3. Add stock code or barcode to the first column, labeled "Stock Code OR Barcode"
4. Add purchase quantity to the Quantity column
5. Save file as a .csv, .xls, or .xlsx file and import
Order import template